quick video to change product description position of Fortune Bigcommerce stencil free theme

quick video to change product description position of Fortune Bigcommerce stencil free theme
VIDEO GUIDE – How to add a different Google font to a Stencil theme https://support.bigcommerce.com/s/question/0D51B00004rAeNnSAK/how-do-i-add-a-different-google-font-to-my-stencil-theme https://youtu.be/orgJTeiDGXk
Bigcommerce forum forum most repeating question Quick video guide to remove navigation menu from top and keep on footer. New menu on the footer Basically I took away the brands menu on the footer as I dont need it but I would like to place a new menu there called Legal, with some pages within that […]
How to add phone number to header of bigcommerce stencil cornerstone? https://forum.bigcommerce.com/s/question/0D51B00004haDJj/add-phone-number-to-header-of-site?s1oid=00D30000001FDCG&OpenCommentForEdit=1&s1nid=0DB13000000Gmw5&emkind=chatterPostNotification&s1uid=0051B00000Cdq7l&emtm=1538160705122&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0 Add phone number to header of site Hi everybody. I am trying to add my phone number to the header of my site above gift certificates\sign in. Quick video Guide
Quick video to display Bigcommerce Cornerstone banner to top of all pages.
Bigcommerce Cornerstone theme – Cart Icon Missing on Mobile
Cornerstone Theme Homepage Carousel image cropping fix Buy me a coffee
Quick video guide to fix bigcommerce cornerstone theme logo extra top and bottom gap and logo size. Buy me a coffee
Uploading a Custom Theme 1. Go to Storefront › My Themes. 2. Click the Upload Theme button by the My Themes heading below the Current Theme. 3. Drag the ZIP file into the Upload Theme pop-up window, or you can Select theme from your computer. 4. Once the ZIP file has uploaded, a theme card will appear […]
Lobelia bigcommerce stencil theme by bigmadness.com is another ideal bigcommerce stencil theme for a wide range of businesses and brands, this design is fully responsive, simple, and ready for you to add your branding, logo, and products. It comes ready to build a clean looking and beautiful store with features such as homepage carousel, social […]