Bigcommerce Cornerstone Light Theme bigcommerce stencil theme blog Cornerstone documentation free bigcommerce stencil theme stencil

How do I place logo and header navigation on same line using bigcommerce cornerstone stencil theme?

using the Cornerstone theme and have left aligned my logo and header navigation. How do I place them both on the same line? paste below css into footer script

bigcommerce blog Cornerstone stencil

how to remove navigation menu from top and keep on footer – bigcommerce stencil theme

Bigcommerce forum forum most repeating question Quick video guide to remove navigation menu from top and keep on footer. New menu on the footer Basically I took away the brands menu on the footer as I dont need it but I would like to place a new menu there called Legal, with some pages within that […]

bigcommerce blog stencil

Editing Bigcommerce Stencil Theme Files – language en.json

Editing Bigcommerce Stencil Theme Files – language en.json Please visit bigcommerce article for more details –