Author: minu

Paste below SCSS at theme.scss last line.
Follow video to edit bigcommerce stencil theme.scss to add new CSS. Root theme.scss Fortune theme.scss
please follow video with checkout json
BigCommerc known for regularly updating their platform with new features and capabilities. Some potential areas where we could see improvements or new features from BigCommerce in 2023 could include: Enhanced AI and machine learning capabilities: BigCommerce could potentially integrate more AI and machine learning functionality to improve product recommendations, personalization, and fraud detection. Expanded multi-channel […]
One of the main advantages of BigCommerce is its native multi-channel selling capabilities, which allow businesses to easily sell their products on multiple channels such as Amazon, eBay, and Facebook, without the need for third-party apps or integrations. This can save businesses time and money, and help them reach a wider audience. BigCommerce also […]
bigcommerce clear cart addons
Clear all cart add-ons that can be added to bigcommerce store’s website to provide customers with the ability to clear all items from their shopping cart with just one click. These add-ons can be helpful for customers who have added several items to their cart but decide to remove them all at once before starting […]
copy and paste below css at theme.scss
follow a quick video with the below code.