bigcommerce Bigcommerce Cornerstone Light Theme bigcommerce stencil theme Cornerstone documentation free bigcommerce stencil theme stencil

Remove bigcommerce cornerstone theme unwanted header and footer space.

Remove bigcommerce cornerstone theme unwanted header and footer space frequently asked question at bigcommerce community forum. copy and paste below CSS at footer script

bigcommerce Bigcommerce Cornerstone Light Theme blog Cornerstone stencil

how to fix bigcommerce cornerstone mobile new, related products carousel not showing correctly?

Replace below code with templates/components/products/carousel.html    

bigcommerce Bigcommerce Cornerstone Light Theme Cornerstone stencil

How do I change the background color on one specific page ? bigcommerce cornerstone stencil theme     here is guide edit theme files – open templates/layout/base.html find <body> replace with <body class=”{{ page.title }}{{}}{{product.title}}”> debug your page to fine new body CSS of that page. code new CSS with that body name.

bigcommerce Bigcommerce Cornerstone Light Theme Cornerstone stencil

How to edit bigcommerce Cornerstone Light footer.

I am using and would like to remove (or comment out) the Categories in my footer. Where do I find footer.html to modify bigcommerce Cornerstone Light footer? templates/components/common/footer.html