Category: Bigcommerce Cornerstone Light Theme

Paste below SCSS at theme.scss last line.
Follow video to edit bigcommerce stencil theme.scss to add new CSS. Root theme.scss Fortune theme.scss
copy and paste below css at theme.scss
copy and paste below CSS at Site Verification Tags or Visual Website Optimizer a quick video guide for custom CSS for dummies Your browser does not support the video tag.

Paste the below CSS at theme.scss last line.
quick video guide to add trust safe checkout badges to my cart page at Bigcommerce theme

Quick video guide Cornerstone: Removing padding around the logo in the header.

Quick video guide to increase number of product show at categories bigcommerce stencil themes

using the Cornerstone theme and have left aligned my logo and header navigation. How do I place them both on the same line? paste below css into footer script