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How to install Sumnima Free Bigcommerce Theme  

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increase logo size on mobile devices in Bigcommerce cornerstone light theme

Paste below SCSS at theme.scss last line.

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mega menu for bigcommerce cornerstone theme

  copy and paste below css at theme.scss

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Bigcommerce add trust safe checkout badges to my cart page

quick video guide to add trust safe checkout badges to my cart page at Bigcommerce theme

bigcommerce Bigcommerce Cornerstone Light Theme bigcommerce stencil theme Cornerstone

bigcommerce cornerstone theme: Removing padding around the logo in the header

 Quick video guide Cornerstone: Removing padding around the logo in the header.

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bigcommerce stencil visible bulk pricing table   bigcommerce removed footer script so to add custom CSS use Advanced Settings › Web Analytics  a quick video guide for custom CSS for dummies  

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increase number of product show at categories bigcommerce stencil themes

Quick video guide  to increase number of product show at categories bigcommerce stencil themes

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Better Bigcommerce vault free theme

use below CSS with below video guide bigcommerce removed footer script so to add custom CSS use Advanced Settings › Web Analytics  a quick video guide for custom CSS for dummies

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Bigcommerce cornerstone theme mobile navigation active logo problem

use below CSS with below video guide bigcommerce removed footer script so to add custom CSS use Advanced Settings › Web Analytics  a quick video guide for custom CSS for dummies